Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cassi's Great American Adventure 2011

Even though I got back into Canada Thursday (the 4th) afternoon I haven't posted anything- the reason being I don't actually have any pictures with me on my camera (my dad has them all, naturally, as his camera is the nice one and he is the one that did photography at art school). I will be getting them this weekend though and will post them over the next week or so, this post is just a teaser for what's to come! By the way, dad and I had a 3 day pass to the Universal Resort and then 1 free day for whatever before we came back to Canada.

  • Wizarding World of Harry Potter day one = discovering Hogsmeade and all it has to offer-including looking into the many shops and trying my first glass (plastic souvenir stein) of Butterbeer and Pumpkin juice (verdict in future post)
  • Wizarding World of Harry Potter day two = walking around Hogsmeade again, meeting students from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang (and finding some fellow Whovians in the most unlikely places!!) plus more Butterbeer (guess my future verdict post has a bit of an obvious outcome)! And of course going into Hogswarts and going on the Forbidden Journey! As well as eating at the Three Broomsticks like a proper witch and trying another version of Butterbeer (and what will my verdict of this one be you wonder?)~
  • Wizarding World of Harry Potter day three = Triwizard Tournament fun, hearing the Frog Choir perform, dad and I taking full advantage of the 'singles' line in Hogwarts (wait till you hear how many times we both went on the Forbidden Journey!), seeing a wand demonstration at Olivanders and nearing the most insane roller coaster in the HP section- the Dragon Challenge
  • Visiting the Kennedy Space Center (centre centre centre) and seeing the Star Trek exhibit
Well, that's what will be coming to this blog in the next week, hope you'll stay tuned! Now I'm off to take my dog for a walk and then enjoy a peach, read some blogs and try to come up a plot for a radio play I'd like to put together.

Friday, August 5, 2011

More of 100 things!

(~this is a schedule post that hopefully has worked out~)
Part III is here!

  1. Enjoying the garden on my balcony (I planted everything from seeds and it's surprisingly gratifying seeing it come to fruition~)
  2. Sherlock Holmes (Granada, BBC and of course good ole written word canon!)
  3. Libraries (the only time my mum's ever lost me was in a library- I got distracted by some encyclopedias on mushrooms)
  4. Reading by candlelight (I know it sounds dreadfully hipster and it does get your eyes after a while, but it's a lovely experience- and I've already got glasses so there is point in trying to save me eyes)
  5. Little notebooks (I kind of collect them...)
  6. BLTs. Wut? Bacon is delicious.
  7. Caleb Landry Jones. Seriously, you should hear his music~
  8. Fresh from the dryer comforters. Seriously, what's better then nestling down into a lovely smelling plushy warm blanket?
  9. Having good tv shows on DVD. Ads really irritate me...
  10. Christmas. I like food and pressies. But I don't think many people don't :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A day in the life of

(~this is a scheduled post that hopefully has worked out~)

A bit of babble about things that are nice-
  1. Sherlock (BBC version)
  2. Ginger and soy salad dressing with lettuce grown in my garden
  3. Grimm faery tales
  4. Long painted nails
  5. Typhoo in my Doctor Who mug
Just some things that have been a part of my summer life recently :)