Sunday, February 27, 2011

Some people say I dance like a lunatic. I say I dance like Matt Smith.

Buuuuh, erratic posting is erratic. I was quite looking forward to my courses this semester, but I didn't quite realise how labour intensive they would be. I won't bore you with how many papers, essays and document analyses I've done over the past 2ish weeks (that and I REALLY don't want to relive it...) but I will say I've been down-winding with some Gintama (銀魂). Definately one of my fave gag-anime. I will try and post more often as I do have some things to say and review, but besides catching a few episodes here and there of Gintama I've been doing home & house work. How do I continue on with such a boring life you ask? Pokemon battles. My dad's being all paranoid about marks (which is completely unfounded seen as though I got 90% on two of exams last semester and the other two were 79% and 88%) and has taken my DSi away- he didn't account for my friends bringing in decks of Pokemon cards. Well, till the next post!

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